Fine Dining 101 – Tips, Etiquette Rules, and More

We all have heard about fine dining restaurants. The truth is that although they were very fashionable before, today they have evolved keeping some basic rules. In this article, we will explain about fine dining restaurants, along etiquette norms for servers and consumers, and some curious fact about it.

About Dining Restaurants

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A fine dining restaurant seeks to achieve perfection, from the food to the lighting or the art on the walls. Fine dining restaurants are luxurious and offer high-quality meals, suitable for the most specialized food critics. In fine dining restaurants, standards for servers and consumers must be followed very rigorously.

Etiquette Rules Waiters

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Waiters need to know the different kinds of table service depending on the type of dining restaurant. They also need to know about the formal table setting, the number of utensils for each type of food and menu for each meal.

The basic rules must always be followed. For example, ladies are always served first and casual conversations with guests are forbidden. Maintaining proper posture, do not cross arms, and never chew gum, drink or eat in front of guests are also some of the rules.

Consumer Etiquette Rules

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To be a good guest, some rules must be taken in mind. For example, it is forbidden to remove the menu from the table, do not ask for an oyster fork, and leave the last bite on the plate.

There are some specific ones, such as never say when going to the bathroom. Also, keeping the bread on the dish at all times unless you’ve taken a bite out of it and always leave the plate’s border clean are advised.

Curious Facts

Other curiosities about fine dining restaurants could be about tablecloths. In the past, white tablecloths were always used but now, most restaurants just use the table. You should always make reservations before going to one of these restaurants. Also, premium wines, aged spirits, and cocktails are the main focus to keep a customer happy.

Fine dining restaurants are no longer as booming as they once were. The concept of elegance and high standard has been modified, giving space for developing local dishes in unique and exquisite ways. Now, it is more important to create an exclusive atmosphere with the finest art, and with absolutely high-quality service.